"Mandy is a very accomplished horsewoman and a great teacher. She has a friendly informal manner and she makes learning fun, successful, and easy to take home and apply. She relates well with horses and with people."
- Violet (Whitehorse, YK)

Read more about Mandy's overall training and teaching philosophy.

About Mandy Pretty
Born and raised with horses, Mandy Pretty was literally riding before she could walk. As a child she was immersed in the world of horses, helping to start youngsters, exercise sales horses, and participated in demonstrations and competitions with some of her parents' many Icelandic horses.
Her exposure to the
horse world was somewhat unconventional.
Daughter of clinician Robyn Hood, and niece of Internationally renowned horse
woman Linda Tellington-Jones, meant that her norm for handling and interacting
with horses was several decades ahead of its time. Looking for tangible physical and emotional
reasons for unwanted behaviour long before equine chiropractors, massage
therapists, and acupuncturists were main stream meant that black and white behavioural labels like “stubborn”, “lazy”, or “disrespectful” were seldom used. Instead, horse behaviour was looked at from a
point of view as being the reaction to a concrete catalyst, looking at balance,
pain, fear, and issues of rider communication.
At the age of 4 and a half, on the way to her first Advanced TTEAM (now Tellington TTouch®) Training in Boulder, Colorado, Mandy first met Peggy Cummings, who would, over a decade later, become her mentor and riding coach, expanding her knowledge of equine/rider bio-mechanics, and ideal function under saddle with Connected Riding®.
At age 17 they would meet again,
where Mandy, schooled in Centered Riding and influenced by top Icelandic riders
and clinicians, was initially skeptical of how influential her posture could
affect the horse underneath but the proof was in the pudding as it were, and
she was soon a “convert”.
Almost a decade later, Mandy takes every opportunity to ride, learn, and assist Peggy at Connected Riding events around the world and is a certified Connected Riding® Assistant Instructor.
Now Mandy trains and teaches all breeds and disciplines full time incorporating TTEAM-Connect to train young horses and re-school older horses alike. In addition to training at her parents' Icelandic Horse Farm; she is following in her mother’s footsteps and is offering her services for clinics organized at other locations featuring Tellington TTouch Training (TTEAM) and Connected Riding elements. Besides assisting Robyn throughout Europe, South Africa, Australia, and North America; she has taught independently in Mexico and Australia in addition to various US states and Canadian provinces.
In 2019 Mandy co-wrote "Training and Retraining Your Horse - The Tellington Way" with Linda Tellington- Jones, published by Trafalagar Square.
Her clinics focus on creating a positive experience for horse and rider, while improving performance without compromising physical, emotional, or mental well being. These are often geared toward the Icelandic horse enthusiast but can be easily applicable to an all breed format. Mandy teaches 1 to 5 day workshops throughout the year, offering several at The Icelandic Horse Farm. She is available for demonstrations, riding lessons, lectures, and clinics.
Mandy is currently a Tellington TTouch Equine Instructor, a Certified Connected Riding Assistant Instructor, and Surefoot 4 Hoof Accredited Professional.
She and her husband Walt have a small hobby farm that is home to their two young sons, several horses, a herd of sheep, flock of poultry, 2 Jersey cows, cats Harriet & Teddy, and their dog Ollie.