Tellington TTouch Canada - Canadian headquarters for the forward-thinking approach to animal training and bodywork.
The Icelandic Horse Farm - Vernon, BC Canada. Home of Tellington TTouch Canada and reputable breeders of Icelandic Horses, offering clinics, workshops, and lessons.
Tellington TTouch Training - International website for Linda Tellington-Jones and information on the Tellington TTouch Method.
Connected Riding - A bio-mechanically sound method of riding for horse and rider, developed by Peggy Cummings and taught internationally.
Surefoot Equine Stability System - Developed by Wendy Murdoch, a unique, innovative way for the horse to be his own teacher for improved balance, relaxation, and posture.
Bitterroot Ranch - A guest ranch in beautiful Wyoming that caters to riders. Well trained horses, great food, talented staff, and stunning views make this one of the 1000 Places to See Before You Die.
Equitours - Horseback holiday adventures around the world backed by 30 years of experience and many lifetimes of horse knowledge.

A view of the lodge at the Bitterroot Ranch in Dubois, Wyoming.
A clinic group out for a trail ride at The Icelandic Horse Farm in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada.