Mandy using the Tellington TTouch body rope and bodywork to help familiarize an un-handled filly with humans.
Mandy starting Lucy, a Spanish Arabian filly from the Bitterroot Ranch, conquering her fear of plywood her second time under a rider.
A student riding bridle-less for the first time at a 3 day riding clinic held at The Icelandic Horse Farm.
Having some fun with Shiner at The Icelandic Horse Farm in Vernon, BC.
Mandy riding an Icelandic stallion while ponying Cedric, a yearling Thoroughbred destined to race.
Mandy using extensive TTouch body wraps on a Dutch WB to help him release and telescope through the neck.
Mandy riding her BLM Mustang "Shiner" bridle-less for the first time. See her article on riding with the neck ring in the Spring 2010 edition of the TTEAM Connections Newsletter.
Demonstrating the Tellington TTouch "leg circles" to some clinic participants in Canberra, ACT, Australia.